Monday, 29 April 2013

How to Generate Unlimited Targeted Traffic to Your Website in 15 Minutes

If you have a website, and you have a great product to sell, your main concern is to get your website to the point where you make money from it. How can you make money if your site is not getting any traffic?

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It used to be hard to get traffic to your site. You had to spend a ton of money to get your website set up to take the orders, and then another bunch of money to get traffic to your website. You don’t have to do that anymore. Why not? I have a powerful, effective technique that if followed will guarantee your hit counter will exploded, and just in 15 minutes.

Ultimate Traffic To Your Site

I created a 15 minute five-step process that will catapult your hit counter. It will be like looking at your electric meter when you run the air conditioner. The only difference, the counter that is turning is your hit counter. And this means a heavy amount of traffic to your site. And do you know what happens when you get a heavy amount of traffic to your site? If your sales copy is written properly, you will gain a ton of sales. Isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that why you built your website for to begin with?

Easy Way to Get More Traffic

Why have a non-productive website when it can be making untold amount of money for you. All you need to start it is by getting traffic to your site. And I solved that problem for you as well. Take a look at my super powerful program and you will find your hits skyrocket to the roof, even within 15 minutes.

Click Here to Know

I know it works because I have a friend who owns three websites. He wasn't seeing much traffic to any of them. As such, he wasn't making any money. When he tried my super powerful program, not only did his traffic increase to all his websites, but he also started making tons of money. If he can do it so can you.

Click To See

Don’t waste another day watching your hit counter slowly increase when you can watch your hit counter turn at the speed of light.

How to Find the Traffic

How to Get Unlimited Target Traffic in Only 15 Minutes

Sounds like a wild idea, right? Can you really get unlimited targeted traffic in 15 minutes? Not only can you do so, but I am going to tell you how. If you like to get unlimited, targeted traffic in any niche to your website listen up, for I am about to tell you the way to do it.

Click Here to Know More

You may think I am pulling your leg, but the fact is that after you are done reading this blog and put to action what I state here, your traffic ticker will explode. And the best part is the way to do it is by using a system I created. That’s right. The secret is to using my system. 

Click Here to See How

You may then ask what system I am talking about. I am talking about a powerful and effective technique that is built around a five-step process. It is a system that when set up, will pump traffic to your website so fast that it will make your head spin. All you will need to do is perform all the actions required, and take a look at your hit counter. Then go do something fun for 15 minutes. Then come back and take another look at your hit counter. You will faint when you see how many hits you got within just 15 minutes.

If you think I am joking here this. I have a friend who owns a website. Before using my amazingly powerful program, his website was getting about 1000 hits a month. After he put my five-step program into action, he saw his hit counter go from 1000 hits a month to a 1000 hits in an hour. If he can see this kind of results, so can you.

Click Here to Watch

Sunday, 21 April 2013

How to Promote and Make Money With Clickbank Products

I recently posted a screenshot of my earning on my Facebook page and my friends went crazy and started asking me how I did that ?
Clickbank has thousands of merchants in every niche but it all comes to point which product to choose on clickbank. Am I right?
Clickbank can make you so much money that you will ditch Adsense , and its a great alternative to Adsense. You need 50-80 clicks on adsense to earn  $10 where as with clickbank you need just one click to earn $30+ depending on your niche and traffic.
I will show you how you can Promote and Make Money With Clickbank Products better than you did before today.

Yes , dont even think that populating your site with clickbank ads will make people attracted to click the ads.  Those days are gone now , people can differentiate between ads so try to sell them inderiectly while giving them value. Hope you got my point? If not check out this post  on ‘ Top WordPress Plugins‘ how smartly I recommended my readers about comment and popup domination , it doesn’t even look like I am trying to sell anything there but people get interested in what I am using and click my clickbank affiliate links , also remember that I am not selling them crap products those are fully tested and recommended by me.
Say no to banners!
Banners are so old fashioned and look good only on billboards where you are expecting your visitors to see. Where as on a website , what do you want your visitor to do? CLICK YOUR LINK right ? So whats the point of putting banner? use banner space  for your Adsense and other private ads. Place good text link ads and see the conversion your self and please dont make ur affiliate links look ugly use a plugin like MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate    (Adds affiliate links to comments and posts)

Watch and Learn!
You can’t just walk up to a problogger with good reputation and ask him please show me how you can make money on clickbank ? The moment you asked him , thats the  moment when you sold your self there. He can rip you off right there and ask you cash for his consultation and tips. Well I am not saying that they wont deliver the work you expect from them , but why do you want to put your money into something which you can do by yourself and learn a lot from your mistakes. Its better to go to their sites and see what they are doing to sell more products than any body and you know what you will find there ? Quality!

Choose The Right Product!
This is a tough one , even for me. I mean the products which are good have too much competition and the products which are not good will not sell. My strategy on this is select the products which are good and have good reputation because in a long run you will gain reputation and traffic so why you want to spoil that reputation with recommending bad products? The more good recommendation you give the more trust you gain for your visitors , in the long run people will be searching for these products on google so why not recommend a product which has a longer life value than the bad product which will die out soon.

Build a List!
Again you would be asking why should I pay for it when emailing is free all over the world , you must be familiar with the term ‘Money is in the list’ . Thousand bloggers are saying that you should build an emailing list then why haven’t you implemented yet? I would recommend you use Aweber with Hybrid Connect (my main plugin for building list) plugin. Paying something extra per month is always a pain but trust me its worth every penny. When you sign up as an affiliate for a product on clickbank, they give you banners, links and EMAILS ! so you basically don’t have to work on writing an email at all, they already provide great converting emails and some products provide a series of 5-10 emails and their conversion level is 30% !

Expectation Kills!
Whats you Adsense ctr? 3-5% right? then why do expect that your blogpost with clickbank link in it will convert more ? getting a conversion rate of 1-3% is amazing. You are asking why? Because your post will always be searched on google and convert for you. Now you are asking if 1-3% is amazing then how probloggers earn a lot? Answer is simple ! they have 100 of posts in which they have recommended the same product over and over again. so they get maximum clicks on their clickbank links.

Quick Bonus Tips
Always analyse your traffic , this is one the important step I have taken in choosing my product , looks where most of your traffic is from if they are from US and UK then make sure that the product has credit card billing and if they are from Asia Countries then you should choose a product with Paypal billing. In some niches 1000 visitors are required to make $200 where as in some niches 200 visitors are required to make your $1000. Lastly , promote a relevant product on your site dont promote something which your readers dont like , if you have 500 readers then with one irrelevant post your readers would not want to come back ever again.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

7 Ways to Fascinate Your Readers & Build A Hugely Following

Are you spellbinding?

Let’s be honest. It’s a huge challenge.
Probably the biggest challenge each blogger faces.
Because your readers suffer from many distractions.

Social media. Email. Other blogs. TV. Radio. Phone calls. Texts. A car driving past. People talking. Music.Thoughts popping up.
How the hell can you keep your readers spellbound?
How can you keep your readers glued to your content until your last sentence?
How can you keep them yearning for more?
It’s not easy.
But you can learn how to master the art of being fascinating. Enchanting. Captivating. Almost mesmerizing.
You just need to understand the triggers to being fascinating. Once you apply these triggers, your readers will hang on to every word you write.


1: Passion

“Passion is the sense of participation that you have when you’re with someone who makes you want to come out of yourself and make an emotional connection.” — Sally Hogshead
For your readers to react to your writing, and to share it with their friends, you have to create a deep connection with them.
But here’s the thing:
Information doesn’t connect with people. Passion does. And emotion…
So, to connect with your readers, you have to infuse your writing with both passion and emotion.
Write about something you’re passionate about. Let your personality shine through. Be yourself, warts and all.


2: Mystique

“Mystique flirts with us, provoking our imagination, hinting at the possibilities, inviting us to move closer while eluding our grasp.” — Sally Hogshead
Mystique teases us because we want to find answers, solve puzzles, and learn secrets. If you can generate some curiosity in the headlines or sub-headlines of your blog posts, you will increase the number of people willing to read them.
Have a look at these headlines from Derek Halpern:


Make your readers dying to learn about your next blog post, your next email, or your next status update. Tell your readers what great, beneficial content you’ll have for them in your next email.
Or just build anticipation by announcing you’re developing something brand spanking new. Just don’t give away all the details yet.
Mystique makes your readers curious. And keeps them dying to learn more.


Trigger 3: Alarm

“Alarm demands a response now.” — Sally Hogshead
Of course, you can use deadlines to get people to act. If you don’t download now, the ebook will no longer be available free. If you don’t buy now, the price goes up. Or the course closes.
That’s one way to use the alarm trigger.
Another is to inspire action by focusing on people’s fears. Their worst fears. For example: the fear of being forgotten when we die.

You just have to be careful. Don’t apply the alarm trigger to each blog post you write. It stops working if you use it too much, and it can even get annoying.


4: Prestige

“[P]restige can increase your perceived value.” — Sally Hogshead
How can you gain A-list status as a blogger?
How can you be admired and respected? And be recognized for what you’ve achieved?
Well, you’ll have to earn your status. And that’ll take some time — you can’t develop a track record overnight.
Take for instance Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income. He has earned respect by sharing his tips for making money online and by showing exactly how much money he earns from his various online activities. That kind of success doesn’t happen overnight, though.
Also, prestige doesn’t necessarily have to come from money. If you get lots of comments and retweets and likes on Facebook, people start to respect you too.
Of course, that takes traffic. Thankfully though, there is a shortcut to generating traffic and getting more readers:
If you guest post on the best-known, most-respected blogs, more people will get to know you, and you’ll drive more readers to your blog, not to mention raise your status just through the power of association. For example, take the epic 7,037-word post like Tommy Walker did for If you write a post like that and get over 3000 shares and Facebook and nearly that many on Twitter, everyone is going to take notice of who you are.
The keyword in the above paragraph: epic. If you want to trigger prestige, you need to publish epic posts, both for A-list blogs and for your own.
There’s also one more small trick to boosting your track record. Every time you publish a guest post on a popular blog, put their logo on your site and say, “As seen on.”
Prolific guest blogger Danny Iny has quite a few on his Firepole Marketing website. And Tommy Walker has a cool quote from Chris Brogan on the website. That boosts his track record, too.


: Power

“Whether parental or dictatorial, authority figures use power to control us.” — Sally Hogshead
Power on the web isn’t dictatorial. You can’t force people to listen to you.
But if you become an authority, people will want to know what you have to say. They’ll seek your advice. They’ll want to link to you.
How can you build authority as a blogger?
Decide on your niche and your mission first. You have to find a way to be different, to stand out from the crowd. And then, build your authority:
·                       Know your stuff;
·                       Produce incredibly helpful content;
·                       Develop a unique voice and have an opinion.


6: Rebellion

“Rebellion is about creativity and innovation. It’s taking a problem that everybody looks at in one way and interpreting it in another way.” — Sally Hogshead
Are you subscribed to Ben Settle’s email newsletter?
He’s an expert in using the rebellion trigger at different levels:
·                       He uses bad language;
·                       He misspells words on purpose;
·                       He breaks taboos: telling you to email your subscribers daily; to ignore open rates, and to applaud unsubscribe rs.
You could easily decide to ignore Ben, because it sounds a little too crazy. But you don’t ignore him, because he balances rebellion with the power and prestige triggers.
Ben has a loyal following of fans because he knows his stuff. For example: he often quotes other copywriters – that’s the power trigger. He has also written for Copyblogger, and he lists recommendations from high-profile copywriting experts on his website. That’s using the prestige trigger.
That’s how you mix up different triggers. Now, let’s look at a trigger that surely needs to be part of your blogging efforts…


7: Trust

“You can dabble in prestige, or experiment with power, but you can’t dip in and out of trust. It must be established consistently.” — Sally Hogshead
The online world is full of pretenders, spammers and liars. While you can discard other triggers, you can’t do without trust. You can’t think of a popular blogger that’s not trustworthy, can you?
To establish trust as a blogger, you have to become familiar. Turn up regularly – on your own blog or as a guest blogger. Use social media to stay in touch. Or even better: email your audience on a regular basis.
In addition to posting on his blog Chris Brogan sends his subscribers an email each Sunday. He writes his emails as if you’re his friend and if you’re having a cup of tea together. Same conversational style each Sunday. That’s a good way to stay in touch with your audience. And to become trustworthy.
Remember your mission? Write about it. Often. And be authentic. You don’t have to bare all, but you have to be yourself. Don’t pretend. Develop your own voice. And be consistent.
Start building trust now. Because you can’t become popular without it.